Our Company Overview
ResourcesOur Company Overview is the starting point for a business plan and should provide an overview of your company. This section is usually shorter than the rest of the plan and can be used to capture your company’s vision, values, mission, goals, and strategy to help guide the direction of your business.
The Cash House Closers of a company overview can vary, depending on your needs and the type of business you operate. However, there are some key components that should be included in every company overview:
Clearly outline the legal structure of your business (sole proprietorship, LLC, partnership, C-Corp, S-Corp, etc.) and its location(s).
About Us: How We Help Homeowners Sell Fast
Explain the products or services that your business offers and their unique value to customers. You may also want to include a brief description of your target market and the potential for growth. It’s best to keep this information as broad as possible, since other parts of the plan will go in-depth on specific market analysis and strategies.
Feature your management team in your company overview and highlight their expertise, achievements, and industry knowledge. This can help build credibility and trust with your audience and readers.…